Outland was once called Draenor. Before the invasion of the Burning Legion, it was a pristine, beautiful planet with magnificent flora and fauna. Peace did not last long, however, as the Legion's diabolical magic tore the home of the orcs and draenei into countless pieces. From then on, Draenor bore the name Outland. In the first WoW expansion, The Burning Crusade, our heroes were allowed to explore this shattered world for the first time.

And the surprise was great! After all, we didn't find Outland as destroyed as we first suspected. The almost endless expanses of Nagrand, for example, have retained their beauty despite the great catastrophe. The idyllic Outland region is still one of the most popular places for all kinds of role-playing events. And in Battle for Azeroth, we also got to gaze upon the wonders of Nagrand in the Cinematic Trautes Heim with Thrall and Saurfang .

In the aforementioned BfA cinematic, we could at least marvel at a small part of Nagrand with realistic graphics. But what about the rest? Mike Marra, Blizzard's lighting artist, was inspired by the images from the short film with Thrall and Saurfang and recreated the entire Nagrand area in Unreal Engine 4. In this video you can watch a virtual flight over Mike's version of Nagrand.

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But it didn't stop at Nagrand! In the following videos you can take a walk through the demonic Shadowmoon Valley and the devastated Hellfire Peninsula in Unreal Engine 4.

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As mentioned, Mike already works as a lighting artist for Blizzard, you can check out his work for Diablo 4, Battlefield 1 and many more projects in his gallery on Artstation. Be sure to check it out! By the way: On reddit Mike revealed that he is currently designing the swamps of Zangarmarsh. We are already curious how the magical mushroom area will look like in the Unreal Engine.

Especially the Nagrand video awakens wanderlust in us


What do you think? Do you like Mike's version of Nagrand, Shadowmoon Vale and Hellfire Peninsula? What do you think of WoW (buy now 14,99 € ) 2 in the Unreal Engine? Write us in the comments!

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