Warchief Sylvanas left pure chaos after her escape at the end of BfA's war campaign. Only ashes remained of Teldrassil, the remaining Kaldorei are homeless and leaderless, just like the undead that the Banshee Queen left to their fate. Now the Forsaken stand alone, for although there are several candidates for the role of leader, the future of the Undead is more than uncertain.

Attention, spoilers follow now!

WoW: Calia Menethil returns to Shadowlands. Will she lead the undead? (4) Source: buffed At the moment, Blizzard does not seem to know exactly where the journey of the undead in WoW Shadowlands will go. The previous leader Sylvanas, who has played an important role since the beginning of World of Warcraft (buy now €14.99 ), is gone. The banshee queen leaves a huge gap in the story structure of the Horde, which hardly any other undead can fill. The villain Lillian Voss would be a candidate for the position of the new leader, but there are other Forsaken who could fill the power vacuum much better. Among them is Calia Menethil, the lost princess of the fallen kingdom of Lordaeron. Until Battle for Azeroth, she was the last living heir to Lordaeron. At the start of the current expansion, Calia was caught in the middle and died in a battle between humans, rebellious undead, and Sylvanas' loyal followers.

Calia, the dead princess

But her story did not end with her death. The naaru Saa'ra, with the help of Anduin Wrynn and Alonsus, saved the young woman from a certain end. Calia awoke to new life as a light-forged undead. After that, she disappeared from the scene for a long time. Only with Sylvana's disappearance at the end of the war campaign did Calia Menethil emerge from the shadows again. Together with Derek Prachtmeer, another victim of Sylvanas, the princess moves to Lordaeron to offer comfort to the old and new Forsaken. Whether she accepted Lilian's request - to lead the undead - or turned it down remained a mystery for the time being.

Only now are the disastrous consequences of Sylvanas' betrayal truly becoming apparent


Distrust of the Forsaken reigns again in the Horde. Without a representative, the undead lose not only prestige from the outside, but also internal cohesion. Indeed, the Forsaken of today are made up of many different groups belonging to different peoples. Forming these opposites into one large group again is like a Herculean task. Calia herself speaks of not feeling up to this challenge. But she also doesn't want to abandon the undead. At the end of BfA, it remained open-ended.

A new beginning in WoW: Shadowlands

WoW: Calia Menethil returns to Shadowlands. Will she lead the undead? (1) Source: Wowhead WoW: Calia Menethil returns to Shadowlands. Will she lead the undead? (2) Source: Wowhead Now there is news from Shadowlands Alpha that promises a new (and perhaps glorious) future for the Forsaken. Calia Menethil reappears in Icecrown Citadel at the beginning of WoW: Shadowlands. She stands alongside other leaders like Lor'themar Theron, Rokhan or arcanist Thalyssra. Meanwhile, there is no trace of Lilian Voss. Calia herself is a neutral NPC, which means that she belongs to neither the Alliance nor the Horde. Does that mean she won't take Sylvana's place?

not quite. Calia can represent the undead without a direct claim to rule. She can speak for "her people" at important gatherings without taking sides. In the story of WoW: Shadowlands, the conflicts between the Horde and the Alliance do not play a role, so the princess can fully devote herself to her new task as a diplomat and ambassador between the world of the living and the dead. After Sylvanas "kidnapped" Anduin, Jaina, Thrall, and Baine to the Shadowlands, considerably weakening both factions, Calia has no choice but to accept her new role as mediator.

At the top of the Citadel, however, Tyrande puts a first damper on Calia's progress, as you can see from the faction leaders' dialogues


Lor'themar Theron: ...the peace remains tenuous. These are troubled times. Our people need stability--Alliance and Horde alike.
Lor'themar Theron: We cannot risk sending Azeroth's leaders on what might well be a suicide mission. Our friends who were abducted would offer the same counsel.
Tyrande Whisperwind: Coward! I would pay any price to see the Banshee impaled upon my glaive!
Genn Greymane: I too want Sylvanas to answer for her crimes. But Lor'themar is right. Anduin wouldn't want us to risk the well-being of the Alliance for his sake.
Calia Menethil: The Kaldorei need you if they are to have any hope of finding peace, High Priestess.
Tyrande Whisperwind: You dare speak to me of peace? After the atrocities your kind inflicted?!
Highlord Bolvar Fordragon: Enough! The war is over. We can ill afford to start another.
Highlord Bolvar Fordragon: A far more pressing threat is at hand, and we must prepare to face it.

Calia Menethil will not always be able to act rationally and neutrally. The peace between Alliance and Horde has always been fragile, and if we are honest ... even the death of Sylvanas will not change the bad reputation of the Forsaken. The wounds that the undead have inflicted on Azeroth and mortals in recent years are so deep that they will forever be treated as lepers, no matter what their creed. So it will take Calia quite a while to grow into her new position. And who knows, maybe she'll have to relinquish her post to another undead celebrity at some point. After all, the beginning of WoW: Shadowlands also promises a new beginning for the storylines of various classic Warcraft characters like Bolvar, Sylvanas, and maybe even Arthas.

What do you think? Are you happy with Calia's role as the new representative of the Forsaken? Or would you rather see another WoW character as leader? Could Sylvanas even return as the undead leader? Write us!

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