Blizzard and the bots in WoW Classic - a never-ending drama in far too many acts. Just a few weeks ago, the developers implemented the "Black Lotus" hotfix, which in my opinion was the right thing to do to make it impossible for bot users to dominate the Lotus market at will.

  • Read more: "Black Lotus" hotfix was spot on - thumbs up, Blizz!

In other measures and decisions, however, the responsible parties did not exactly cover themselves with glory. Let's just take the introduction of the WoW brand in China, thanks to which the local gold prices went down so much that "gold for money" trading is hardly worthwhile there anymore. The result: In the following weeks and months, the number of bots on many US and EU servers is said to have increased noticeably. Great!

What's also annoying is that Blizzard's(automated?!) ban system is frustratingly unreliable. Over the course of several weeks, we repeatedly reported on Classic players who had received bans even though they had not violated Blizzard's End User License Agreement. Doubly annoying: These cases were often only reviewed when the affected players raised a lot of dust on community platforms because of the case. The penalties were then rescinded, but the realization remains that Blizzard's system reacts hastily as soon as large sums of gold change hands.

  • Read more: WoW Classic: Caution! Blizzard continues to ban accounts without control

At the same time, numerous players have been complaining in the forums and on Reddit for months that clearly recognizable bot users continue to be allowed to roam Azeroth with impunity despite multiple reports. During this time, some Youtubers like WillE have published various videos in which they show the exact processes of the bots and their spread on different WoW Classic realms. How can it be that Blizzard does not swing the ban hammer here despite the reports and evidence?

All in a day's work from r/classicwow

A slap in the face of the WoW community

The latest actions of Blizzard seem all the more mocking to me now. There's a post from Community Manager Thyvene in which Blizzard wants to thank the community for reporting bots so far and encourage us to continue reporting bots. Only why should we do that when it obviously doesn't do any good? And why don't the developers take the opportunity at this point to explain to us why many of our reports have had no effect so far? Blizzard has missed an opportunity here and instead put a meaningless PR phrase in front of our noses.

But I find the new instance limit even worse


Because with this measure, the developers of Blizzard punish especially the fair WoW Classic players who tear down their account from time to time actually 30 + dungeon IDs a day. I myself am not affected by this, by the way. After a few visits to Bleak Quarry East, my pockets are full and I need to get back out into the fresh air. I'm also not the player who "boosts" Twinks to level 60 in a few days.

Enjoy. from r/classicwow

But there are several people in my environment who like to pull Twinks from the guild through dungeons over and over again on their days off (or let their own Twinks pull), then do umpteen farm rounds in instances because farming in the open world is a pain due to the high number of players, and then clean the currently available raid instances in the evening. Across all the characters on the account, they quickly hit the new dungeon limit. Annoying! And when I look at Reddit and the forums, this also affects many other Classic players.

At the same time, this measure will not eliminate the bot problem in my view. Those who use bots on a large scale have several accounts anyway. In a pinch, you just create one, two, three more accounts. Then the ruble rolls (further) with the bot users, with Blizzard (thanks to the additional subscriptions), and we fair players hold the ass card in the hand.

Sad side note: Blizzard had already announced a daily instance limit for WoW (now buy 14,99 € ) - in the course of


Evil Patch Notes for patch 1.11, which were part of the April Fool's joke from the year 2006

. It's a tough concept, I know from r/classicwow

What's your opinion on the topic? What do you think of the new instance limit? Tell us in the comments!

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