From October 05 to 11, you can currently visit the Darkmoon Faire in WoW Classic. This time you can find the tents in Mulgore, near Thunder Bluff. As an Alliance player, the best way to reach the Mulgore festivities is to take the ship in Booty Bay towards Ratchet and then cross the Barrens in a southwesterly direction. At Camp Taurajo you will find the entrance to Mulgore. All fighters under the red banner, meanwhile, need only head for the "Thunder Bluff" flying point and leave the city in a southwesterly direction.

You can find out what you can expect there in our special Darkmoon Faire - map sets, quests, minigames and more. Here's the short summary:

  • If you have earned or purchased a complete Darkmoon card set in World of Warcraft (Buy Now €14.99 ), you can trade it in to Professor Thaddeus Paleo for the corresponding Darkmoon trinket.
  • Earn winning tickets via quests that can be exchanged for various rewards, including a 14-seat bag, Orb of the Dark moon, and Amulet of the Darkmoon.
  • Activate a useful world buff from NPC Sayge for two hours. The buff is dependent on your dialogue responses. All combinations and buffs can be found in the article linked above. If you want to get ten percent more damage, choose the first answer option twice.
  • Play the two minigames Blastenheimer 5000 Ultra Cannon or Steam Tank.

The next Darkmoon Faire will not open until November in Elwynn Forest. So use the next few days to complete a trinket you've been lusting after, for example, or to activate the powerful "10 percent more damage" world buff before the next raid.

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