In my article All Beginnings Are Hard - Big Fails of Small Azeroth Characters we already reminisced together about our beginnings in the World of Warcraft, and how ignorant, inexperienced and partly naive we explored this world called Azeroth. Anecdotes were pulled out of characters with completely destroyed equipment because the player behind the avatar had not yet discovered the repair function for himself. Another player recalled that he didn't discover his hero's talents until he was level 45. And there was also talk of melee owls.

But even years of experience don't protect against the odd funny fail. There were two proofs of this in my last BWL raid alone. Fail number 1: We took a short break in front of the two dragons Shadowwing and Flamemouth. While half of the players were stretching their legs, our raid leader took the opportunity to show our two-legged closets the new tank position. While hopping around in one of the alcoves, he suddenly attracted the aggro of the boss flying around. The result: the gradually returning players were amazed at their corpse and the giggles in the Discord.

I was then responsible for fail number 2: With the above-mentioned dragons, the damage of my rogue was surprisingly low. I wondered, after all, I was fully buffed, had high activity on the boss, and didn't die an early hero's death. I pondered, opened my character window, and saw ... that I still had the Furrier's Dagger from UBRS donned in my main hand. Had I accidentally activated my weapon-switching macro twice after the trash, had I pressed the wrong shortcut, or had I simply forgotten to switch back? No idea. But the next laughs were of course at my expense.

Last but not least, I also found a fail of a special kind, which I stumbled across during my first coffee this morning


During the fight against Vaelastrasz, the tank, after getting Burning Adrenaline, accidentally hit the button for his rest stone. Apparently, the spell time is also reduced to zero by this ability, because he immediately found himself at his rest stone location, where he died alone. The rest of the raid, on the other hand, visited the Spirit Healer together. But see for yourself:

Had an unusual wipe at Vael on tonights raid from r/classicwow

Now it's your turn: Which failures in the WoW (buy now 14,99 € ) Classic raids made your guild laugh heartily in the last weeks and months?

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