The honor grind to rank 14 in WoW (buy now €14.99 ) Classic is long and arduous. Basically, you have to farm honor as effectively as possible for at least 16 hours a day in order to reach the highest titles in the PvP ranking system. Probably that's why so many players are currently resorting to bots that automatically sign up for the Alterac Valley and bypass the AFK lock via permanent movement sequences.
So far, Blizzard hasn't taken any action against the bots on the Classic servers. This is possibly because the developers usually ban bots in waves to catch as many bot operators as possible. As mentioned, however, a wave of bans is still a long time coming. In the video, player Lepan and his colleagues show how to make life more difficult for bot players.
As seen in the video below, some bots automatically accept invitations to join Alterac Valley. Group invitations and teleportations via the Warlock are also automatically accepted by the bots in this way. Lepan has picked out a very specific player. Instead of letting him die from exhaustion damage in water, for example, his group came up with a much better way for the bot to lose even his "hard earned" ranks.
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