Pride, greed and vanity are mortal sins for which mortals must pay a high price in the afterlife of World of Warcraft. The mysterious Count Denathrius and his devious Venthyr take in the souls of sinners in Revendreth to redeem them and save them from eternal damnation in the Maw. Since the announcement of WoW Shadowlands, we know that Kael'thas Sunwalker is one of said penitents. But the blood elf prince is not the only Warcraft legend awaiting redemption in the Gothic realm of vampires. In the short film Afterlife: Revendreth we learn what fate befell the former warchief Garrosh Hellscream in the Shadowlands. And although the orc tyrant plays almost no role in Revendreth for now, he could become an important protagonist (or even antagonist!) of WoW Shadowlands in the future.

Caution! Spoilers follow now!
WoW: Guilt and atonement - the fate of Garrosh Hellscream in Shadowlands (1) Source: buffed

WoW: The Fourth Afterlife Short - Revendreth World of Warcraft from €14.99

Who is this Orc?

That look! Garrosh's soul is unbroken despite torture. Source: Blizzard Garrosh Hellscream as Warchief in Cataclysm Source: Blizzard Although Garrosh is not mentioned by name in the latest Afterlife short, there is no doubt that the orc shown being tortured in Nathria's dungeon is the Horde ex-war hapling. In a close-up, we see Garrosh's proud look, which literally speaks volumes. He seems just as indomitable as he does in the illustration showing him on the Warchief throne in Cataclysm. The scene with the chained orc also resembles the image that graces the book cover of the WoW novel War Crimes. After a long time, Garrosh and his crimes are once again the center of attention. But this time the Orc is unjustly punished!

Garrosh had to answer for his crimes at the end of MoP. Source: buffed Two Venthyr abuse Garrosh as their anima source. Source: Blizzard That Garrosh ended up in Revendreth after his death in WoD seems unfair at first glance. Granted, the Maw would be a more appropriate place to punish the Orc tyrant for all his abominations. However, as in the case of Arthas, the story that awaits us in WoW (buy now 14,99 € ) Shadowlands is a bit more complicated. For one thing, Garrosh's numerous crimes fulfill all the requirements to end up in the Maw. At the start of MoP he burned down Jaina's second home Theramore, after that he set his bloodhounds on Vol'jin and at the end Garrosh even devastated the Valley of Eternal Blossoms. After his capture and escape, he founded the Iron Horde in Parallel Draenor, which descended upon Azeroth. The list of Garrosh's crimes is eternally long. Nevertheless, Hellscream Junior did not act out of pure cruelty, but out of love for his people, who had to fight for survival in Azeroth. Thus, Garrosh has much more parallels to Kael'thas than to Arthas or other notable villains who ended up in the Dark Maw after their deaths.


is also possible that Hellscream actually ended up in the Maw at first, but that the jailer later turned him over to Denathrius in order to secure the Count's loyalty. This would also explain why Garrosh's soul is not hidden in public as usual in Revendreth, but in the dungeon and tortured. Indeed, in the short film we see that the few damned souls chained to the blood wells in cities and settlements are nearly exhausted.

The power of Anima

There is great famine in Revendreth. Source: Blizzard Count Denathrius empties a large anima goblet as his kingdom sinks before his eyes. Source: Blizzard So with the large amount of anima Garrosh collected as a great leader during his lifetime, Denathrius does not have to worry about suffering from the great anima shortage himself. But while the count gleefully empties the goblet full of anima during his speech, his people in Revendreth are struggling against hunger. For most common Venthyr must give the lion's share of their own anima energy to the nobility and Denthrius' minions. Anyone who violates the count's decree is immediately executed. The rift that has developed in recent years between the rabble and the courtiers is enormous. In the short film we see well-fed nobles, whose appearance stands in stark contrast to the emaciated Venthyr citizens.

In Revendreth there is great famine, while in Nathria Castle lavish feasts are celebrated


Denathrius' servants no longer torture the souls to one day redeem them from their sins, but to steal anima from them. This robbery leaves no witnesses either, after all, nothing remains of said souls in the end anyway. Kael'thas also fell into the clutches of the Count after his death, who abused the blood elf's soul until the prince degenerated into a hateful creature. Only our heroes can save Kael'thas. But what will become of Garrosh Hellscream? After all, we don't get to see the ex-war chief during the Revendreth campaign.

The many secrets of Revendreth

What exactly happens to Garrosh in Nathria Castle is still unclear. However, there are a few exciting clues to his whereabouts in the Shadowlands beta. For one thing, we know that he is being tortured in Nathria, the Count's castle. So he is at least present at the time of our arrival. In Shadowlands game data, for example, there is an NPC character named Garrosh as well as spells with the telling title Summon Garrosh. Dataminers have also discovered some info about the secret intermediate phase in the final battle against Count Denathrius phase in Mythic mode, which might have something to do with Garrosh and his role as an anima battery. Whether Hellscream will even return after Denathrius' defeat remains to be seen. The Venthyr will certainly not want to give him up as a source of power so quickly. Perhaps we will meet Garrosh in a later patch.


idea is not that far-fetched, after all, he still has a score to settle with Thrall, who disappears in the Shadowlands at the beginning of WoW Shadowlands.

And who knows which other prominent WoW figures we will find in secret torture chambers of the Venthyr. After all, in Revendreth we can find enough evidence of the Venthyr's collaboration with the demonic Nathrezim. What do you think? Would you like to see Garrosh Hellscream again in WoW Shadowlands?

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