The floating city of Orbibos is the center of the next WoW expansion called Shadowlands. The new capital offers our heroes a safe retreat, and we also learn more about the Shadowlands and its mysterious rulers in Oribos. In the city itself resides the Judge, who decides the fate and future of the souls of the deceased and distributes them among the many different realms.

Little is known about the Judge herself so far. However, she seems to belong to a pantheon of her own. This is a group of powerful creator beings who played a role in ordering the universe. Whether they shaped the universe like the Titans also remains a mystery for the time being. In the Shadowlands, there are other beings who resemble the Judge and carry a magic stone (a kind of carbuncle) instead of a heart. Among them is the jailer. But instead of a stone, there is a black hole in his chest. Supposedly, both the judge and the jailer are older than the Titans themselves. So it could be that both groups were once rivals and the Titans simply locked the gods of the dead away in a domain of their own.

(Datamine Spoilers) I Have A Sneaking Suspicion of a Connection... from r/wow

WoW: The judge is dazed and can no longer decide the fate of souls. Source: wowhead If you take a closer look at the judge and the jailer, they are also visually very different from each other. The judge has an angelic figure, strongly reminiscent of the noble Kyrians. In keeping with her role as the Lady of Oribos, she wears a magnificent robe, and although she has no physical form, a blue glow and hair of anima energy can be seen behind her crown. The jailer, on the other hand, appears very somber, his skin is sallow and his body is tattooed with strange runes. Unlike the judge, the jailer resembles a human or rather a titan. According to Ion Hazzikostas, the game director of World of Warcraft (buy now 14,99 € ), there are even certain parallels between the Titans and the rulers of the realm of the dead. In Shadowlands, we will even learn why the Shadowlands exist in the first place and what the role of the gods of the dead is in the Warcraft universe. So there is a much bigger story behind Anima and death itself than previously thought.

Anima energy in WoW Shadowlands Source: wowhead But what exactly is the story that connects the two in WoW Shadowlands? A curious shaman took a closer look around Shadowlands Alpha a few weeks ago and discovered the two protagonists. He discovered the judge on one of the hills of Oribos. She is marked as "friendly" but is not directly approachable. This fits with the story we experience in Oribos. Upon our arrival in Oribos, we find the Judge's servants and council at a loss, as their mistress has been trapped in a sort of trance for some time. Meanwhile, the souls flow past her, and thus past Oribos, directly into the maw. The consequences of this detour (for which Sylvanas is responsible) are disastrous for both the city and the numerous realms of the Shadtelands. Oribos and the lands of the Pacts wither, while the Maw continues to grow and claim more and more souls.


greatest tragedy, however, is that there is no return from the Maw for these hapless souls, for their anima energy feeds a maelstrom that threatens to engulf all of Shadowlands and later Azeroth.

As the size of the Maw grows, so does the power of the Dungeon Master, who is almost certainly responsible for the Judge's coma


Indeed, with Sylvanas as an ally, the villain eliminates one rival after another, gaining more and more dominion over the Shadowlands. And thanks to Sylvanas, the road to Azeroth, and thus to reality, is not far away. We must not forget that the Titans and the Old Gods have disappeared for the time being. Thus, for the Dungeon Master, the time is ideal to achieve absolute world domination. But no matter what the villain's goals are in WoW Shadowlands, his existence and his connection to the Judge remain a mystery to be solved.

What do you think about the topic? Do you also think that the Judge and the Jailer have something in common with the Titans? And have the boundaries between the domains existed since the dawn of creation, or have more powerful beings separated the worlds and their planes of existence? Write us your theories in the comments!

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