HartiganCosplay was the center of all attention afew days ago with his epic Bolvar Fordragon costume. His dressy masterpiece made of EVA foam, latex and LED lighting is so realistic that you'd think the former Lich King had actually come to life. The numerous details like the richly decorated armor and the torn fabric give the costume the final touch. In the darkness, however, Bolvar's lava skin comes into its own best.
It's amazing how impressive simple LED lights can be.
But as beautiful as Bolvar's costume may be, Hartigan's cosplay project was missing one little thing. And that's his battle hammer from the trailer for WoW: Shadowlands! Creating this spectacular weapon, which can switch between fire and frost, undoubtedly requires great skill. However, Kamui-Cosplay now proves that this project is also feasible, presenting their latest masterpiece on Twitter and Co. You can see Bolvar's battle hammer, which not only impresses with colors and changing lights, but also with fog effects that give the weapon a fiery aura. But take a look at the result for yourself.
Recommended editorial contentAtthis point you will find external content from [PLATTFORM]. To protect your personal data, external embeddings will only be displayed if you confirm this by clicking on "Load all external content":Load all external contentIagree to external content being displayed to me. This means that personal data is transmitted to third-party platforms. More about this in our privacy policy. External content Read more in our privacy policy.Simply epic! By the way, in the following video you can look over the shoulder of the famous cosplay artist.
Recommended editorial contentAtthis point you will find external content from [PLATTFORM]. To protect your personal data, external embeddings will not be displayed until you confirm this by clicking "Load all external content": Load all external content I agree to external content being displayed to me. This means that personal data is transmitted to third-party platforms. More about this in our privacy policy. External contents Read more in our privacy policy.Kamui records her work on Bolvar's battle hammer step by step, explaining what materials and gadgets she used in the process. It's worth a look. After all, the video is the perfect guide for anyone who wants to start a big cosplay project.
By the way, Kamui not only feels at home in Azeroth, but also in Eorza. Last year we had the opportunity to chat with her about Final Fantasy 14.
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