The Isle of the Exiled - the name of the new starting zone of WoW: Shadowlands sounds gloomy and mysterious. This small piece of land is the new tutorial area for heroes from level 1 to 10, where fresh WoW players learn how World of Warcraft works apart from all game content. In addition to numerous quests and battles, new recruits in exile can expect a special adventure that will awaken the spirit of discovery. Some players have spotted an island in the distance with a tower that once belonged to a night elf temple. For most heroes, this island has been unreachable until now, because you would die of exhaustion trying to reach it.
However, YouTuber ArmouredSpacePony, who explored the mysterious island with his shaman, now proves that it's not impossible. He first had to reach level 8 with his Goblin to learn Reincarnation. Once this spell was available, he set off for the said elven island. The journey there required a lot of patience, as he had to wait for Reincarnation's cooldown each time before he could continue swimming.
For those who don't want to make this arduous journey themselves, there is a video where you can join ArmouredSpacePony on his journey of exploration.
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