In Battle for Azeroth, the era of T-Set armor ended, which was especially disappointing for fans of transmogs. Instead, Blizzard's developers established new rules for the popular feature transmogrification. For example, players are allowed to transmogrify their artifact weapons that they lost at the end of WoW: Legion. Legendarys are also no longer lingering in the bank, but have served us as a transmog template ever since. With WoW Shadowlands, the developers want to go one step further and unlock the artifact weapon templates for all play styles for transmogging. We don't know if this will work, but the idea is already the first step in the right direction. After all, more choice in the virtual closet never goes amiss!
As far as transmogs are concerned, Shadowlands gets even more positive adjustments (buy now 14,99 € ). Our heroes can look forward to all sorts of new sets. The sources of snazzy gear in the next WoW expansion are just as diverse as the designs, which visually tie in with the respective areas. The highlight of the brand-new Transmog armor, however, are the unique Pact sets you'll get once you pledge allegiance to the Kyrians, Night Fae, Necrolords, or the Venthyr. New cool transmog weapons for heroes who prefer more simple and classic designs are also available.
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