February 17, 2020 update:
Arang Choi has done it again! The Youtuber has recreated well-known figures from the Warcraft universe in Minecraft on an impressive scale and captured the creation process in time-lapse videos. After the Lich King (see below), it was now the turn of Illidan, Ragnaros and Deathwing. And the results are no less stunning than his first project. But see for yourself:

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Original news from January 08, 2020:
At first glance, the 15-year-old online role-playing game World of Warcraft (buy now €14.99 ) and the open-world construction kit Minecraft have few similarities or connections. Yet there are. Time and again, WoW fans get creative in Minecraft, recreating iconic locations from the Warcraft universe. For example, we've already reported on replicas of Stormwind Castle and Orgrimmar, a Naxxramas replica that took two years to build, the Minecraft version of the Dark Portal, and an angular version of Goldhain's inn, The Lion's Den.

However, Reddit user Arang Choi proves that it is also possible to recreate and stage characters in Minecraft in an impressive manner. He recently published a time-lapse video in which he documented his giant replica of the Lich King and his iconic weapon Frostmourne.

World of Warcraft : Lich King, Arthas [Minecraft Timelapse] from r/wow

We especially like the light and shadow effects, the billowing (but of course not actually moving) cape, and the figure's somber presence. But see for yourself:

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How do you like the Minecraft Lich King? Have you ever recreated famous places or characters in Minecraft? Tell us in the comments!

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