Spoiler warning: If you want to see this small part of the legendary quest series in patch 8.3 of WoW BfA only when you can play it yourself from January 15, you should not start the video below. Right at the start of the patch, you'll be confronted with a rather lengthy questline that must be completed in order to obtain Ashjra'kama's Legendary Cloak


To do this, you'll need to head to the Valley of Eternal Blossoms in Pandaria and Uldum, among other


In both areas, your quest line revolves around getting the Titan Machines back up to speed. These machines extend partially under the entire area and ensure that Azeroth is protected from the corruption of the Old Gods. After N'Zoth was famously freed from his chains, the Titan Machines are no longer intact and must be repaired by our hero with the help of Magni Bronzebeard.

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During the lengthy quest series, there are always some intermediate sequences. On the test server for Patch 8.3, these have so far been mostly absent or have a placeholder ("Epic video sequence in progress!"). However, the cutscene around charging the Forge of Origin has now been unlocked. As you can see in the video above, however, the titanic device lacks some power and the corruption of N'Zoth and his minions can unfortunately not be stopped.


time, by the way, Blizzard has thought of your Twinks: Those who have already completed the quest series, which can take a good two hours, can skip parts of the quest with additional characters.

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