Last year, the famous "Running of the Gnomes" event in World of Warcraft not only celebrated its tenth anniversary, but for the first time the gnomes with pink hair dashed through the Classic version of Azeroth -

albeit a few days late.

And this year, the annual charity event is planned as well, where thousands of representatives of Azeroth's tiniest playable race will dye their hair pink and make the long journey together from the starting area in Dun Morogh to Loot Bay. With the colorful fun, organizers and participants want to draw attention to the issue of breast cancer and collect donations for a vaccine against the disease, which the US-American Cleveland Clinic is researching.

The gnome race is now so famous that Blizzard has even created its own micro holiday in honor of the pink racers: The great race of Gnomeregan takes place on October 10 from 0 to 24 o'clock and accompanies you throughout Saturday with signposts, cheering spectators and some WoW (buy now 14,99 € )

celebrities along the way on your tour from Dun Morogh to Loot Bay.

If you want to take part in the original race, you should already have the caffeinated drinks ready: The real Running of the Gnomes will take place at 4 p.m. PDT - in our case, on the night of October 10 to 11 at 01:00 a.m. - on the US server Scarlet Crusade, after-party in Orgrimmar included.

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In Classic, the run will again take place on Oct. 16 at 4 p.m. PDT on the U.S. server Bloodsail Buccanneers.

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European players can participate in the event via a US trial account. In 2017, for example, over 7,000 players took part and raised over $16,600 for the good cause.

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