Update from October 12:
While there is still some time before the ID change in WoW Classic, we can already note that the 30-minute mark has been broken in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj! The players of the EU guild SALAD BAKERS sent all bosses of the current Classic raid challenge to the boards after only 29 minutes and 37 seconds (via Warcraftlogs).

You can check out the record-breaking run below, but before that, here are a few more tricks that speed run groups are currently resorting to:

  • Meanwhile, in front of Sartura, there are impressively large pulls where several groups of bugs are bombed away at the same time. The pull is done with active vial of petrification. With area spells from the mages, warrior cleave and explosive ingi gimmicks, the enemies are then literally destroyed in a corner. Vulnerability potions and defensive cooldowns protect against premature demise, plus all engineers set up dummy targets that keep grabbing the bugs' attention.
  • When pulling Viscidus, many players use the Cold Basilisk Eye gem to build up as many frost stacks as possible right at the start of the fight via the frost effect.
  • The fact that Viscidus' combat time is so short is also due to the targeted use of Barov Workerrufer. The summoned minions provide additional melee attacks when the frozen boss needs to be smashed. At Progress, seven players used the Trinket and the second phase was over almost immediately. In total, the fight lasted less than 80 seconds.
  • In addition, Ramstein's Lightning Bolt is used occasionally when it comes to bombing away the little slimes of Viscidus.
  • Vial of Petrification is also used on the trash groups after Huhuran. Melee fighters can use the Flask to cleanse the Plague effect and continue to deal damage (and save the healers mana points).
  • For the Twins, various melee fighters use the Draufhauer weapon to bring the Twinks' armor down to zero as quickly as possible.
  • The biggest threat to any speed run comes from the trash groups after the Twins Imperators. The reason: the brainwashers with their mind controls and the fear effect when they die. The raids have therefore taken to having a priest with mind vision "fish" an ID with as few brainwashers as possible before a run. The swarm guards are much easier to defeat in comparison when you have so many warriors with you who can use Armor Elixirs as well as Great Stone Shield Potions and put on a shield if need be.
  • In C'Thun, it's now an often-used strategy for Alliance groups on speed runs to sacrifice Paladins in the beam during the first phase so they don't get sucked into the stomach during the second phase. You want to have warriors down there in particular to destroy the tentacles in the shortest amount of time.
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Original message from 07 October:
New month, new WoW Classic ID with access to the Darkmoon Faire and its additional World Buff, and with it new speed run records in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. Before the start of DMJ week, the fastest time in AQ40 belonged to the experienced EU guild APES (Gehennas server), which was able to send all bosses and the necessary trash to the boards after 34:37 minutes.

However, the competition already stepped on the gas yesterday: Five raid communities managed to push ahead of APES in the last few hours (via Warcraftlogs). Alliance guild SALAD BAKERS (also Gehennas) set a particularly fast pace, finishing almost a minute faster than current runner-up "none of the above" (Firemaw).

The raid compositions are becoming more and more reminiscent of the speed run raids for Molten Core or the Pitchwing Hoard: offensive spellcasters are rarely taken, instead Warriors and Rogues dominate the picture. In SALAD BAKERS, there were 22 warriors and three rogues. In addition, there were three mages, two warlocks, one hunter and several healers. You can watch the run from the perspective of Talesavo (offensive warrior with rank 14 weapons, just under 900 DpS on trash and bosses) below:

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Here are a few specifics that caught our eye:

  • Speed run raids smear frost oil on their frost weapons before the first pull, which are used on Viscidus to save time.
  • Each player in these raids has their own armor set to get from A to B as quickly as possible with their mount. The most important item: Carrot on a stick
  • The hunter is crucial for a good time: he has to deliver every new trash group to the raid exactly on time, without miss-pull and unnecessary pauses, at the same time every group pulled too early can quickly cause a wipe (right at the beginning it already became dangerous in SALAD BAKERS, because the second obsidian destroyer could reach almost full mana due to the uncoordinated pull).
  • In the current speed runs, the first Obsidian Destroyers are taken care of with the Guardians and Skeram, respectively, if possible. By cleaving the warriors, this also adds tremendous damage to the other nearby tanked targets.
  • Skeram and his mirror images are pulled to the middle level if possible to get out as much Cleave damage as possible. Of course, this is extremely dangerous once players are taken over in Cleave range.
  • Alliance raids not only have advantages in terms of threat and fear effects, they can also very easily control adds in one spot thanks to their paladins at Sartura. Thanks to explosive charges and the Warriors' enormous Cleave damage, the minions die before they can become dangerous. Thanks to Limited Invulnerability potions, the melee fighters can safely stop in the boss's vortex.
  • With Rocket Boots and Zanza Potions, the raids try to lose as little time as possible in the long beetle tunnel.
  • The fight against Fankriss is so simple that the nearby Scorpion group is done right away.
  • The twin imperators are refueled at the top of the stairs to ensure as short a run as possible. Switching to the other side is done only at the last moment, so that Trinket effects and other cooldowns are fully utilized.
  • Offensive warriors also use stone shield potions and other defensive options to take as little damage as possible from the trash groups after the twins.

How far do you think time can be pushed in this ID? And who will have set the fastest time at the end of the ID? As soon as there are new record times, we will of course update this message for you.

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