Whoever wins enough arena matches at the elite rank within a PvP season in World of Warcraft may not only adorn himself with the title Gladiator, but also add a very special mount to his collection. Until now, gladiator mounts were only available to the character who achieved the corresponding achievement. But that is exactly what is supposed to change with WoW: Shadowlands!

In the official WoW forum, community manager Kaivax announced a few hours ago that you will be able to unlock gladiator mounts for the entire account with WoW: Shadowlands. The change will also apply retroactively to gladiator mounts earned in the past.

Kaivax explains in his post that Shadowlands' first PvP season will also be the 30th PvP season in WoW history, and that a lot has changed over the years. Not only in the game itself, but also in the players and their preferences. They now want to take these changes into account by making the gladiator mounts always accessible to the entire account. Here are the original lines:

"Greetings Gladiators!Gladiator mounts have long served as one of the most prestigious rewards in all of World of Warcraft (buy now 14,99 € ). This is due to the considerable time, effort, and skill required to earn one. In the past, we felt that prestige should be reserved to the character that earned a Gladiator mount, as this best demonstrated your expertise with that particular class.

Shadowlands Season 1 will be the 30th PvP season in World of Warcraft, and a lot has changed over that time. Not only has the game evolved with the introduction of new classes or changes to existing ones, but players' preferences have often evolved with regard to the class they like to play most.

So, beginning in Shadowlands, all Gladiator mounts, including those from previous seasons, can be used by all characters across the account the mount was earned on.

Thank you for playing and we'll see you in the Arena!"

What do you think of this change? Does the adjustment affect you at all, or do high arena ratings pass you by on your (hairy) hero's butt? Tell us in the comments!

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