Ever since the WoW developers introduced flying in The Burning Crusade, this has been one of the most discussed features ever. Some players are happy that they can enjoy the world from above, while others still consider it a mistake that it was implemented at all. The way you unlock flying for each expansion is also often a topic of discussion and has been changed many times in the past. In Legion as well as in Battle for Azeroth, we most recently had to complete the Pathfinder achievement for this, which required reputation with the new factions, among other things. For players who played from the start of the expansion, this was hardly a problem. Latecomers, on the other hand, had to complete quests in areas that were no longer part of the patch's current content. This will no longer be the case with Shadowlands.
In the upcoming expansion, the ability to fly will no longer depend on reputation with any factions, according to John Hight, but will eventually be unlocked through the progress of your Pact campaign. According to the executive producer, latecomers should play this campaign anyway, since other elementary things are linked to it. So those who join later will simply play the story and can then take to the skies as well. And everyone else will also save hours of grinding through world quests or daily quests with any faction.
However, flying will not be available right from the start, but will be implemented in one of the later patches, which will also continue the Pact campaigns. In the first few months, we will still be able to explore the world from the ground.
What do you think of the change? Are you happy that you finally don't have to grind reputation anymore or does it not bother you since you want to be awesome everywhere anyway?
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