The developers of World of Warcraft are not only working on new adventures for your heroes with WoW: Shadowlands, but also on rudimentary support for controllers. Not to port WoW to consoles, that is denied by the developers. But to support previous addons that do something similar. In the past, many mod developers have tried their hand at making Azeroth explorable with a gamepad, and some have gotten pretty far. As Community Manager Kaivax has already stated in the forums of World of Warcraft, at least a rudimentary support for gamepads will be implemented, so that buttons can be assigned and the camera and the character can be rotated with the joysticks.

How exactly this currently looks in the alpha of WoW (buy now 14,99 € ): Shadowlands, WoW players Stiven and Martin Benjamins, among others, have already found out. Benjamins (@Marlamin) has worked out that you have to enter the command /console GamePadID 1 in the chat to activate the support. He also hands over the pinout for his Xbox 360 controller, which he used to walk through the Kyrian city with a warrior:

  • Left joystick = move character
  • Right joystick = move camera
  • A = Jump
  • B = Action button 3
  • X = Action state 5
  • Start = Map/Questlog
  • Select = Activate cursor (controlled with right joystick)
  • Left button (LB) = CTRL
  • Right button (RB) = Right click
  • Left trigger (LT) = Shift
  • Right trigger (RT) = left click

Enabled with /console GamePadId 1, bindings for Xbox 360 controller work well.

Left joy = Move
Right joy = Move camera
A = Jump
B = 3
X = 5
Start = Map/quest log
Select = Toggle cursor (controlled with rjoy)
LB = Ctrl
RB = Right click
LT = Shift
RT = Left click


Martin Benjamins (@Marlamin) May 3, 2020 Check

out Marlamin's full thread on Twitter for more details. Another player, Stiven (@Stiven_SRB) even ventured into the wilds of Revendreth with a Paladin to show you his struggles (and failures).

Oh boy, oh boy, gamepad support :D I just need some time to get used to it. Overall satisfied. Maybe I will stream leveling through zones using gamepad :p

Stiven ⛏ (@Stiven_SRB) May 3, 2020

So far, this is admittedly just a first iteration of the gamepad support implementation. We're excited to see how this develops in alpha and beta. But what about you? Are you interested in controller control?

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