In the last developer interview with Morgan Day, on the current state of WoW Shadowlands, we were reminded that we will have access to an additional talent tree via the Soulbound NPCs in our pacts. This will give us even more variety in character progression. Wowhead has already created the first version of the Shadowlands Soulbind Calculator s for this purpose. It looks a bit like the talent tree of the artifact weapon from Legion, but in the early version most of the abilities are still placeholders. You can still get an idea of what these will look like in the game.

In addition to your special Pact ability, your Pact gives you the choice to Soulbound with one of three NPCs and access one of three different talent trees. Unlike switching pacts, switching soulbound NPCs should be much easier. The developers have not yet told us how exactly this works and what the negative consequences might be.
WoW Shadowlands: Socket slots for talent trees - The Soulbind Conduits (1) Source:
An interesting detail of the Soulbound talent trees are the Soulbind Conduits. These are sockets that can be inserted into empty talent slots. In the picture above you can see them marked as swords, shields and lightning symbols. They are divided into Survival, Utility and Throughput, and allow you to further customize your character. Below you can see some Soulbind conduits for the Druid. Keep in mind that this is also an alpha version and these conduits may not go live.


  • High Winds
  • Controlled Affinity
  • Continuing Stampede


  • Master of Shapes
  • Etheral Shape
  • Personal Growth
  • Steeel Leaves


  • Dark Star
  • Chase the Sun
  • Star Shower
  • Trinary Efflux
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