On the alpha server of WoW Shadowlands, most players are currently in Torghast. In these roguelike endless dungeons, you'll fight your way through the Jailer's followers level by level, picking up dozens of buffs that make your character more powerful.


our first look at Torghast and Blizzard's official preview, you already got a taste of the roguelike feature of the upcoming expansion. In his stream, WoW streamer Toweliee Paul interviewed WoW designer Paul Kubit and revealed even more interesting info about the end-game feature. Kubit has been on the WoW team for 10 years and is involved with Torghast in Shadowlands. Below you can find the most important statements of the interview.

Watch Interview With Paul Kubit on Torghast & The Maw by Towelliee at www.twitch.tv
  • Maximum level is currently 72, but there will also be runs of 6 and 12 levels so you don't have to spend forever in Torghast.
  • The levels are actually not -as advertised- randomly generated, although they have been working on this together with the Diablo team. However, the type and arrangement of the mobs is always random.
  • The difficulty levels easy, normal and heroic are only active for testing purposes on the alpha server. They will change again in the coming weeks.
  • It is planned to design Legendaries for almost every equipment slot (weapons and trinkets are excluded).
  • Affixes like in Mythic-Plus might be added later.
  • Torghast can be entered shortly after you reach level 60.
  • You will need keys to enter Torghast, which can be collected via various ways. How exactly is not yet known. Theoretically, with enough keys, you can walk through Torghast as many times as you want.
  • There probably won't be a lot of item-level equipment in Torghast that you can put on. You will primarily be going to Torghast for your Legendary and freeing souls.
  • Eventually they will introduce a soft timer per level, seeing that players usually wait for their cooldowns for each mob group.
  • Torghast will be with us throughout the expansion, with new levels, Legendarys, and themes added along the way.
  • You'll encounter some particularly interesting souls like Arthas; after all, this is where the Jailer keeps his most valuable souls.
  • The Maw is an end-game zone that you can only stay in for a limited time due to the Eye of the Jailer debuff.
  • No exact plans yet for a weekly Torghast reward, what exactly the legendary resource looks like, a pause button, or how to get keys.
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