Shadowlands has undoubtedly breathed new life into the now over 15-year-old World of Warcraft. In the process, it not only cut old ties in terms of Warcraft history, but also introduced a number of new game concepts such as the Pact system. The game's previous "meta" with its familiar race/class combinations has been elegantly expanded along the way, offering more variety than ever.

The reasons for which pact to choose for which class vary. The "min/maxers" among the players who want to get the most out of their character performance-wise will prefer the currently recommended pact. Roleplayers, on the other hand, don't care much, and will always choose the ally that comes closest to their ideal, such as a Night Fae Druid or Necrolord Warlock.

We'd like to know what made you decide to play the hero you spend most of your time with at the moment. Write us in the comments!

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