Update from October 01:
In the original post, we claimed that Warlords of Draenor areas are the most efficient way to quickly get to level 50 with a freshly created character due to the lucrative bonus tasks. Apparently, the developers at Blizzard have heard the feedback from the testers and have drawn their own conclusion, namely that this needs to be changed.

According to the well-known WoW player DesMephisto, bonus tasks in WoD give only about 11,000 experience points in the current build instead of about 30,000. In addition, there is apparently an XP nerf for Gorgond. In combination, you now have to add several hours of playtime for the WoD expansion.

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Original news from September 28:
When pre-patch 9.0.1 of the next WoW expansion Shadowlands arrives on the live servers, players will be able to make use of the new "Chromie Time" feature

for the

first time. This feature allows us to choose a specific expansion for the leveling process after creating a new character with Chromie, which we can then traverse and fight our way through.


who want to level a new character to the maximum level as quickly as possible for the release of the patch and follow Chromie's call to do so, however, are perhaps rightly asking themselves the question: Which expansion will I level with the fastest? And which expansion is the most fun story-wise? Youtuber MrGM, known for his current speed level record of less than three hours for level 1 to 50 in the Shadowlands beta, has addressed this question in a detailed video (via IcyVeins):

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In the video, MrGM looks at all of the expansions available to choose from in Chromie and explains in detail which expansions are best balanced for the leveling stage and are particularly suited to leveling from a coherent story perspective. If you don't want to watch the video in its entirety, you can refer to our summary:

  • The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King work worst in combination with Chromies Call because of the old questing experience, as you'll reach level 50 before you've quested through all the areas and full story of the two expansions.
  • Cataclysm works in such a way that you level in the old Cataclysm zones and travel to the end-game zones of Cataclysm (Hyjal, Tiefenheim, etc.) after level 30. However, you can still continue to level in the old zones.
  • Legion offers the best balanced questing experience: you reach level 50 once you've turned in the last quest of the expansion (completed all zone campaigns).
  • Pandaria works similarly to Legion and offers a very well balanced story and leveling experience.
  • Warlords of Draenor allows you to level the fastest of all the expansions: DesMephisto leveled through WoD in just over five hours. The reason for this is the bonus tasks you can complete anywhere on Draenor.

How exactly Chromie's time migration works and how to activate the feature can be read in our separate guide to "Chromie Time".

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