Update from November 12:
We have now added the German in-game sequence from the fight against Nathanos Pestrufer to the message.

Original message from November 11:
For a long time, Sylvanas Windrunner and Nathanos Pestrufer were an inseparable couple in World of Warcraft. The Ranger served Sylvanas in both life and death, and there was no wish Nathanos could deny his queen. In the Battle for the Dark Coast, Pestrufer led the Horde soldiers, challenging Tyrande and the few night elves who continued to defend the burned remains of Teldrassil. The desperate fight against the Horde and the undead changed Tyrande and in the end she took the dangerous path of the Night Warrior. Now the leader of the Kaldorei is more powerful than ever and wants revenge!

Attention: From here on there are spoilers to the story of the pre-event!

Spoiler warning! Source: buffed In the course of the WoW: Shadowlands pre-event, Nathanos appears as a world boss in the Eastern Plaguelands, and Tyrande finally gets her chance to settle an old score with Pestrufer. After this epic battle, there is no doubt: the Night Warrior is undoubtedly one of the most powerful fighters in Azeroth. But watch the video for yourself!

WoW: For Teldrassil - ingame video of the fight against Nathanos. World of Warcraft from €14.99

This is how Nathanos' story ends in the place where it once began in Vanilla WoW. In the WoW novel The Rise of Shadows, Sylvanas says goodbye to Nathanos and sends her minion away. Exactly why the Banshee Queen is parting ways with her most loyal servant is currently a mystery to us. What we can say for sure, however, is that death in World of Warcraft (buy now €14.99 ) is far from the end. Perhaps Nathanos' death is part of Sylvanas' secret plan.


Banshee wields great power as an ally of the Dungeon Master, and she has enough influence to save Nathanos' soul from the Maw's pull.

On the

other hand, Sylvanas made it clear to Nathanos at the farewell that a new phase of life is beginning for her in the Shadowlands and that she wants to free herself from old burdens. Pestrufer is an integral part of her past and if Sylvanas wants to start a new life, she will probably have to accept Nathanos' final death. A decrepit undead, he once begged Sylvanas to finally let him go (aka die). Maybe this time the Banshee Queen will grant Nathanos his wish.

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