The Mage Tower offers most players a great challenge. Others, on the other hand, make it artificially harder for themselves by, for example, playing the Tank Challenge as an owl or discarding half of the equipment. Significantly easier, but still harder than the normal way, is to complete the scenarios with a char from the class sample
. These are automatically raised to level 50 and also get quite decent equipment. However, completely without sockets or special trinkets and the like.Still, good enough to complete the challenges in the Mage Tower with the help of some consumables. Bicepspump proves this to us in the video, after he was accused of having managed the other challenges only because of his good equipment.
Recommended editorial contentAtthis point you will find external content from [PLATTFORM]. To protect your personal data, external embeddings will only be displayed if you confirm this by clicking on "Load all external content":Load all external contentIagree to external content being displayed to me. This means that personal data is transmitted to third-party platforms. More about this in our privacy policy. External content Read more in ourprivacy policy.Why should you do that?
The question why you should make it harder than necessary with characters from the class sample is easy to answer. Because sometimes it is easier or you have no other choice.
This is especially true for players whose goal is the Sailing Spell Foliant. To do this, you need to successfully complete all seven scenarios. To do this, however, you'll need at least three characters
- and only if you've mastered the majority of those characters' playstyles. Since you might not be a melee fighter, you might even need a fourth or fifth character. That's more than most players have. The class sample remedies this and gives you a halfway suitable premade character for the Mage Tower.Recommended editorial contentAtthis point you will find external content from [PLATTFORM]. To protect your personal data, external embeddings will only be displayed if you confirm this by clicking on "Load all external content":Load all external contentIagree to external content being displayed to me. This means that personal data is transmitted to third-party platforms. More about this in our privacy policy. External content More about this in our privacy policy.On the other hand, it can make things easier if you change classes. Some challenges are easier with other classes and specializations. If you just can't do the Healer Challenge with the Holy Priest, you might want to try the Holy Paladin. As a tank, you switch to the warrior and make it a bit easier for yourself, and there are also big differences in the tests for the damage dealers - what is tricky with a shadow priest, runs almost by itself with the frost mage or marksmanship hunter.
How hard did you find the trials and do you agree with the consensus that some are significantly harder than others?
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