After defeating The Swarm Consciousness, solo legend Rextroy has now also defeated Xanesh in the current WoW raid Ny'alotha. This puts him at an undisputed 4/12 in solo kills in Ny'alotha's normal mode. You can see how he accomplished this feat in the nine-minute video below.
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For the right mix, Rextroy grabbed one of the large sentinels that are evoked when a sentinel eye is not eliminated quickly enough. He also took the spider mini-boss before the swarm consciousness.
Itwas important not to pop too many small beetles or leave them alive, because the miniboss keeps buffing them and the damage taken becomes too high.
In ordernot to defeat the small beetle adds, he always had to position Xanesh correctly and move as little as possible. He also removed Holy Shield from his build. Otherwise, he simply ignored all boss mechanics and stood in all the effects of the trash mobs. With a good 200,000 HpS, though, that's no problem.
The explosions caused by ignoring the "soccer mechanic" and then not playing the ball inflict just over 200,000 points of damage to the raid in Ny'alotha's normal mode
. Thenastiest mechanic for Rextroy was the tank debuff Abyssal Strike, which required him to use a defensive cooldown or two starting at 20 stacks.
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