Today (April 19, 2022) starting at 6:00 pm, the wait for WoW fans is over. Then we can watch in the livestream of the Blizzard event
, what will be the next expansion of World of Warcraft. Those who have at least a little bit dealt with the leaks and news around the topic, will certainly have noticed that it often revolved around the topic of "dragons".The title Dragonflight, leaked by Blizzard itself
, seems to be the most likely one so far. A find by the WoWHead dataminers further confirms the topic of the five dragon aspects, although the findings are very cryptic and leave room for speculation.Five capes for five aspects?
Shortly before the Easter holidays, an encrypted build for the Shadowlands live servers has surfaced that contains five capes. The data shows that the backs all use the same model (61908), just different colors for each.
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. The pet and mount are assumed to be content from a Collector's Edition of the next addon. The mount from the package is linked to the spell "9fx_drakemountemerald_buff_4219045" and has emerald dragon spell effects associated with it. Read also these interesting stories 6WoW: Zoom out further than normal? New console command makes it possible!
A newly discovered console command allows you to zoom out further with the camera in WoW - by increasing the Field of View! 0WoW: Final raid of the season of the championship lands soon on the PTR
Soon we will learn what changes Blizzard is planning for the final raid of WoW: Season of Mastery.The community suspects that these five 3D capes could be cosmetic dragon wings
. Since there are five different capes, it could be that each one is designed after one of the five dragon swarms. Unfortunately, this is just speculation, as we can't know what these encrypted files really contain until Blizzard decrypts them. Tonight we will certainly be smarter, but in the meantime there are simply a lot of hints in favor of a dragon expansion. to the start page Jump to comments (2) Sebastian Glanzer