The start of a new expansion also means the start of a new hunting season. Some people hunt Mythic Plus scores, others hunt PvP ratings, and still others chase the latest mounts or achievements. Especially for the latter, the RareScanner add-on should be worth a look.

Rare mob straight ahead!

The RareScanner doesn't really do anything other than permanently observe your surroundings and scan for rare mobs or rare treasure chests. If the add-on finds one, you will get a warning including a sound effect and the position will be shown to you. In order to know directly whether the detour is worthwhile, RareScanner displays the loot table of the respective enemy or treasure chest if desired. Completionists will be happy to know that they won't miss any rares that are hidden behind trees along the way.

Source: buffed Source: buffed

Clear map

In addition, RareScanner has given the map a complete overhaul. Now you can find the potential positions of all known rare mobs and treasure chests. Of course, the possible loot pieces are also displayed here on mouseover. You also get the info if the rare mob is part of an achievement. You will notice that the skulls, which mark the positions of the enemies, have different colors. This tells you if you still need a rare for an achievement or if you have never seen it before.

Together we are strong

To make sure that you don't miss any rare items while leveling up and later on while questing in the endgame, the add-on also communicates with other players in the same area. If you discover a rare rare mob, players in the vicinity will also see it. Likewise, you'll see enemies uncovered by other players near you. These are then displayed on the map so you can target them directly. This makes it even easier for you to find and kill all the rares in an area quickly and effectively. Optimally, you'll have most of the rare enemies and crates checked off by the time you get through the Shadowlands leveling stage.

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