Rextroy stays true to his line and also shows in WoW Shadowlands how to oneshot other players in PvP. For this he is a weapon warrior and uses the attack Whirlwind for his combo. However, the whole thing is not really suitable for imitation, as the preparation for the oneshot shows.
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Rextroy has crafted an oneshot variant for single target and area damage. These are the three main pillars of the combo for AoE oneshots with Whirlwind.
- The medium Merciless Bone Grinder (60% more damage with Whirlwind after Blade Storm ends).
- The legendary effect Seismic Reverberation (when Whirlwind hits three targets, the ability hits one more time for 80% of the damage
- The Collateral Damage talent (increases Whirlwind's damage in batches for each attack cast during Long-Range Strikes)
You keep the buff from Collateral Damage even if you switch talents, which allows you to skill into Warbreaker and thus cast the Colossal Smash effect on all targets within range.
In addition to talents, this combo also changes equipment. To squeeze in as many attacks as possible during the duration of Far Reaching Blasts, Rextroy uses a set with as much speed as possible. Even more speed is provided by War Drums, the gem Inscrutable Quantum Device, which always increases the highest value via the Use effect, and the talent Doomed to Death. The drums, in combination with the Trinket, have an unexpected effect that extends the duration of the tempo buff provided by the trinket. The duration is increased to 25 seconds, which allows Rextroy to switch to two PvP trinkets just before his combo (cooldown after Trinket change is 20 seconds), which increase the versatility bonus when fighting other players.
If the AoE combo then looks like this
- Put Gently Pressed Toad to get the buff of Collateral Damage over it
- Then cast Aftershock of Ancestors for mastery buff
- Switch from tempo gear set to mastery/multipurpose gear
- Use unfathomable quantum gear and switch to PvP trinkets
- Use tome of balanced mind for talent change and skill in avatar as well as warbreaker
- Use Blade Storm, hop into the group and cast Warbreaker followed by a massive Whirlwind
And this is what the single target combo looks like
- Builds up stacks of collateral damage on an NPC, then activates Blade Storm for the media buff.
- Uses Storm Lightning on the enemy and spawns Gently Pressed Toad
- Uses Colossal Smash
- Whirlwind and spawn Gently Pressed Toad for the oneshot
This combo also works to some extent in the arena. You "only" need to stack collateral damage and hit three enemies for the media bonus. Switching equipment or using the toad will not work in the arena.
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